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What Are The Stages Of COPD And The Life Expectancy

A MyCOPDTeam Member asked a question 💭
Brandenburg, KY
January 25, 2016
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A MyCOPDTeam Member

If you take care of your self, you can live a long time, just have to make modifications to your way of life, you just cannot do what you used to do,, so don't let it worry you,,,, make the best of each day

May 27, 2016
A MyCOPDTeam Member

I don't worry about the stages ,I'm concerned about now. I do what I'm supposed to and thank God for helping me along.God bless you

May 29, 2016
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Keep a positive attitude, take your inhalers as prescribed. If you are on oxygen USE it as prescribed - there is no room for vanity here. Not using your oxygen puts a strain on your heart and could result in pulmonary hypertension and heart failure. Learn everything you can about this disease so you have a good understanding of this disease. I have severe COPD and asthma and am on oxygen, yet I plan on being around for a long time!

January 27, 2016
A MyCOPDTeam Member

I agree, we do have an expiration date, when my lung collapsed the Dr. told me to go apply for disability that I would never be able to work again because my lungs were so bad, well nearly 10 years later and I climb 2 flights of stairs to work everyday. I do a few steps, rest and start again and he is the cemetery

January 25, 2016
A MyCOPDTeam Member

None o9f us come with an "expires by" label pasted somewhere. There are four stages to COPD: mild moderate, severe and very severe. The staging is mostly designed to help non-pulmonary docs determine appropriate treatments and meds for COPD, not to do anything else.

I've had COPD since 1985 and I'm still going strong. There are people who died the day they were diagnosed. No one can tell you what your life expectancy is. What you do and how you live will help determine that.

January 25, 2016

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