Where Can I Buy Soft Cannulas With The Nose "prongs" Close Together So I Can Turn Them Up Instead Of Down?
I injured my nose - each nostril differently. It's much easier for me to breathe with the prongs facing up in my nostrils. And I have always used WestMed. Can't find their products and the ones I'm getting now are very stiff and spaced wider apart. Its a serious problem for me. I haven't checked if there are ones for children - perhaps that might work.
Do you have Lincare?
If so, you can get them for no charge at all.
@A MyCOPDTeam Member - where do you hide?? 😉 And then show up when we need you! I will definitely try that website. I did order some on Amazon and will share what I get with the site! Cautiously optimistic - could only find 7 ft. ones.
Yay, so glad to see you back and commenting, @A MyCOPDTeam Member. Folks were getting worried.
Happy Monday, 08-JUL-24
@A MyCOPDTeam Member - just saw your post! Many thanks! I will check on Amazon. Duh, why didn't I think of that. Amazon likely sells everything a person could need - lol. Hugs and love to Kaiko and you. Glad Batman whippet is protecting you 😊
Here’s the other one I’ve been happy with, @A MyCOPDTeam Member
Saturday, 06-JUL-24
Trouble Keeping Cannula In Nose When Sleeping
How Bad Is Sleeping With Oxygen At Night
Disc Type Oxygen Conserver Tubing Is Too Rigid, Heavy And Hurts My Nose. Are There Smaller Units?