Are You Or A Loved One With COPD A Military Veteran?
How challenging is accessing medical care and veterans' benefits for COPD?
I am an Army vet. I get VA care. I’ve had stage 4 copd for about ten years. I’ve had two lung cancer surgeries and take infusions but I still get around at 73. I enjoy riding my motorcycles fishing and most of all reading and studying my Bible. I have to work out regularly to keep my breathing strong and stay active but it’s well worth it. I hope everyone is having a a good day.
The VA has been involved in all my care for past 15 years. For the most part I have no complaints but do most definitely have to be my own stringent advocate.
I am a vet Royal Regiment Fusiliers Uk me{billy] Ian John Jimmy this in 1980 we were practicing for the queen's inaugural parade i was on duty as guard commander this day , so was the scruffy looking one on the left Ha Ha.. was being drilled by RSM next day with the lads.
I am an Army vet. I have COPD as well as BE (bronchiectasis). Though I have VA coverage, I currenly get my care through Medicare just because its more convenient for me.
Yes, I am U.S.Army Vietnam being treated for C.O.P. D .and today is a good breathing day, have a Blessed day everyone🙂
Has Anyone Used A Trilogy 100 Machine?
First Visit With Lung Doctor
Any Other Veterans Out There? Have You Been Using The VA For Treating Your COPD? How's That Working For You?