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A MyCOPDTeam Member asked a question 💭
Cranbrook, BC

I would have the sea and beaches I have the opportunity to travel in the next year. What would be some suggestions for places to travel with COPD I have moderate copd and am on oxygen at night.
I live in Canada and would be flying out of Calgary.
Would love to hear of any semi-tropical or sea side places I could visit.

July 9, 2023
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A MyCOPDTeam Member

I don't know how Canadian Providers of 02 work, so the first question to ask is where would they provide 02? The US providers will provide 02 within the US, with the exceptions of Alaska and Hawaii. So find out where they will provide 02 and make your decision accordingly. One thing you can do in the US and might be able to do in Canada is take the stationary concentrator you have, put it in a suitcase and ship it where you're going. That way you'd have your 02 regardless of where you went.

July 9, 2023
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Make sure you have an order from your Dr and you will probably be able to rent one Stay away from hot humid places you won't be able to breathe in that air

May 6, 2024
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Get a portable O2 machine that has a battery with a long life mine has 10 hours and i've travelled with it No problems

February 25, 2024
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Talk to your pulmonologist and get an Inogen One. You can take them with you everywhere. I have a g5 and take it wherever I go. My insurance pays for it (not all insurances do).

July 24, 2023
A MyCOPDTeam Member

My sister's and I took a cruise to Alaska, the inside straight, and I got a concentrater from Special Needs Group for my 02 at night. They took it to the ship, right to my cabin and they picked it up. There was a form I had to fill out prior to leaving, and my Dr. had to sign off on it, but it was really great. That was before I was put on 02, 24/7. And I can't remember if my insurance helped with it or not.
Hope you get to travel to some places that are beautiful and comforting. Breathe well and have a great trip❣️ here is their website..

August 29, 2023 (edited)

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