I Hate Getting In The Shower Since Being Diagnosed . Does Any Body Else Have This Problem?
A couple of things might help: take your 02 into the shower by running it over the whower curtain or door. Get a shower chair so you can sit instead of stand. Figure out how to get your soap, shampoo and anything else you need right where you can reach it. A hand held shower head can help a lot. Have a thick terry robe waiting on a chair outside the shower so all you have to do it put it on and then you can dry off the rest. I've tried all these things and they do work.
thank you so much everybody, now i dont feel so alone with this horrible feeling
Yes shower's suck. I have a fan I bring in with me. Luke warm water because of the steam. And remember to breathe. I hate hair day also.
Yes I do I take my oxygen to the shower
also try leaving bathroom door open for less humidity
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Oxygen & Showering + 2nd ?