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Member Spotlight: Community Support

Posted on June 25, 2019

Hi everyone, my name is Chris. I think it was 2015 or so that I joined MyCOPDTeam, and from day one I have enjoyed every minute of my time spent on the site. Some days I check in four or five times, and other days I don't check in at all. But whenever I do, I learn something about someone I don’t know.

I am in the early stages of COPD, so I can still do things some people can't. However, I have noticed myself not being able to do things as fast or for as long as I did before. What mostly keeps me coming back to MyCOPDTeam are the friendships that develop from posting just a few words at a time; people from all over the world who I would never have had the pleasure of knowing if it wasn't for this site.

COPD scares me to death, but I am keeping a positive attitude, exercising, and just generally keeping busy. It’s easier that way. I wish I would have known way back when I was 16 and had my first cigarette what would eventually happen to me and so many others. Who knew? My cravings for cigarettes diminished after reading a little about COPD and what can happen when you have it. Do I still crave cigarettes? Yes, but those times are rare. Keeping busy at my hobby helps a great deal, or going for a walk. I currently just use Spiriva Respimat (two puffs) every morning. That is all I use. I am not, as yet, on any other medication for COPD.

I do wish my family and friends would talk more about my COPD, but they know I got it because I was one of THOSE people who smoked—that dirty habit. I think they think I am just going to go on forever being able to do what I do now. I think my family doesn't want to face the fact that I, the baby of the family, might not outlive my older sisters, so they don't want to talk about COPD. Ignorance is bliss as far as they are concerned.

I want to add that I appreciate and love each and every one of you. You have all helped me in one form or another, and I pray for all of you too. Thank you for listening to me.

This article was written by MyCOPDTeam member Christine as part of the Member Spotlight series. Christine is a cancer survivor and likes to volunteer at her church.

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Posted on June 25, 2019

A MyCOPDTeam Member

There's is one thing you should know, COPD is not only contracted by smoking, my COPD was from working with heavy duty cleaner for many years and smelling and inhaling the fumes. Played a big factor… read more

posted March 20, 2023
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Fostair Nexthaler
February 8, 2024 by A MyCOPDTeam Member

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