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Beginner's Mind - Not Knowing It All When Living with COPD

Posted on July 27, 2018

"The moment I received my official diagnosis, I dropped all my assumptions about COPD. It was so freeing." -Member of MyCOPDTeam

Living with a chronic condition can be difficult and even a burden, but also an opportunity to rid yourself of what you think you know.

Have you heard the saying, "People don't get it until they get it"? That is so true about COPD.

"The more I learn about COPD, the more I realize the importance of self-care." -Member of MyCOPDTeam

A COPD diagnosis forces us to drop our negative assumptions about life with a chronic condition. Members on M
yCOPDTeam gain perspective from other members' experiences to become better informed about what it's really like to live with COPD.

Here are recent conversations from members of MyCOPDTeam:

What negative assumptions have you let go of about COPD? Tell us about it in the comments below or directly on

Posted on July 27, 2018

A MyCOPDTeam Member

Hello, everyone in Perth,i live in Perth and suffer with copd,Emphysema diagnosed 2004 .I am on full time oxygen but although i struggle i go ok.So lucky my husband does all the things i… read more

posted August 14, 2022
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