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Simplify Life with COPD

Posted on April 9, 2018

Managing COPD symptoms are challenging for many of our members. Many members have figured out how to make life a lot more enjoyable by simplifying daily life. Getting new ideas or sharing tips and tricks with the community is best done alongside others who understand what you are going through.

On MyCOPDTeam, the social network and online support group for those living with COPD, members talk about a range of personal experiences and struggles. Simplifying life is one of the top 10 topics most discussed.

Here are a few question-and-answer threads about simplifying life:

Does anyone else get anxious about making plans?

Vacuuming and yard work becomes impossible to do. Any advice?

It's tough to see my dad not be able to do the things he used to do. Any advice?

Does your utility company (Electric and Gas) offer a discount for people who have medical equipment?

Here are some conversations about simplifying life:

I lost my house cleaner so I’m looking for one but I think I’ll try a big service company.

I used to find it hard to find the best cleaning products to use because of the smells.

I am on social security disability and I was approved right away.

Have another topic you'd like to discuss or explore? Go to MyCOPDTeam today and start the conversation. You'll be surprised just how many others may share similar stories.

Feel free to ask a question here.

Posted on April 9, 2018

A MyCOPDTeam Member

Give her as much attention to her and try if you can play with her when she lies down put her on a self heating blanket of wich you can purchsse at any pet shop.we have a 22 year old cat dhe gets… read more

posted April 10, 2023
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How Do You Afford The Cost Of Medications Like Trilogy Elipta?!
December 14, 2023 by A MyCOPDTeam Member 5 answers

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